Keeping a Holy Lent

Lent is a 40-day period of "prayer, fasting, abstinence, and other acts of penance," according to the Diocese of Ilagan, since it is a time to prepare for Easter. It will take place this year from Wednesday, March 2 through Thursday, April 14, 2022.

Lent is a time for us to examine our poor habits and strive to become more like Christ. Lent is also a season when people make sacrifices. We have the chance to sacrifice something important to us during this season. Prayer, mortification of the body, repentance of sins, almsgiving, humble living, and self-denial are all part of Lent's objective of preparing the believer for Easter. 

We’re highlighting Lenten practices and memories of people who have shared their stories with us. Their experiences range from pious and traditional to creative and out-of-the-ordinary, but all of them represent attempts to make the season of Lent a meaningful time of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving for themselves, their loved ones, and their communities. Invite family members to share their thoughts, hopes, and desires for Lent. Decide to support one another in whatever you choose to do. As you journey through this annual second chance, remember that each step brings you closer to the welcoming arms of our loving God.



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