The End of an Era
While many children with COVID-19 have modest symptoms, a tiny percentage of them require more serious medical attention, which may include admission to the hospital or an intensive care unit. For younger children, the vaccine's advantages outweigh the risks. While no vaccination is guaranteed to be 100 percent effective, the COVID-19 vaccine has been demonstrated to be 90 percent effective in avoiding both mild and severe infection in persons who have received all of the vaccines. For children aged 5 to 11, only the Pfizer vaccination is currently approved. The dose is one-third of the vaccination dose for people aged 12 and over. The dose has been reduced since it was discovered in clinical trials that children who took the lower amount had just as effective a response while experiencing fewer negative effects. Arm pain where the shot is given, fever, chills, and joint and muscle pain are all possible adverse effects. Within 24 to 48 hours, these symptoms normally subside. Some people do not experience any negative side effects.
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